Posted April 2, 2024

Let’s team up for success! 🌟

We’re calling on all parents, guardians, and students to make SAT participation a top priority. Spread the word among your classmates and friends! Together, we can ensure that every eligible student has the chance to shine and unlock endless opportunities. 💡 For more details, head over to our official website or reach out to your school’s guidance counselor. Let’s make this testing period one to remember!

Schedule for the Week of  April 15th

Please see the schedule below for the week of April 15th, 2024 and save the dates according to your student’s grade.

The week of the evaluations families will receive an email letting them know if their students are required to attend student support. The email will include an individual schedule for each student with the classroom number and class they are required to attend.

Agenda para la Semana del 15 de abril

Consulte el calendario adjunto para la semana del 15 de abril de 2024 y guarde las fechas de acuerdo con su calificación de estudiante.

La semana de las evaluaciones las familias recibirán un correo electrónico informándoles si sus estudiantes deben asistir a apoyo estudiantil. El correo electrónico incluirá un horario individual para cada estudiante con el número de salón de clases y la clase a la que deben asistir.