Student Parking Permits

Parking in North’s main and West lots is first-come, first-served for all REGISTERED vehicles. Junior and Senior students (sorry, not available to Sophomores) with a valid driver’s license and current car insurance can REGISTER THEIR VEHICLE and obtain a parking permit from Ms. Sweeney in the Treasurer’s office. Parking Permits cost $40 for the year or $30 for second semester only.

Please note, just because you’ve purchased a parking permit, does not mean there will necessarily be a spot available every day. If you are not able to locate a spot in the parking lots, you must find street parking. Vehicles that are parked in the lots without a 24-25 parking pass OR that are parked illegally, may receive a very hard-to-remove warning sticker on their window, OR may be towed.

DO NOT PARK in surrounding business and community parking lots, including the funeral home, Chase Bank and Subway parking lots, Senior Center, etc. All of these locations have communicated that North High students WILL BE TOWED if they are parked in their lots. Please respect our neighbors and our relationships with community businesses.  If the North lots are full, you must find parking on the street.