North High News

North’s Annual International Fair

North High’s International Fair was April 25, 2024. More than 1,000 students and community members attended this wonderful annual event hosted by our World Language department. Watch this fantastic video about the event! Please click here for a Denver NorthContinue Reading

“Rock of Ages” Receives FOUR Bobby G Nominations!

Congratulations to North High’s Northside Black Masque Theatre Company which has received four nominations for the tenth annual Bobby G High School Musical Theatre Awards! Black Masque’s production of “Rock of Ages” received the following nominations:  Outstanding Overall Production in a Musical OutstandingContinue Reading

Welcome Incoming 9th Grade Class of 2028!

Dear Parents/ Guardians and Incoming 9th Grade Students Class of 2028: We would like to welcome you to North High School! The North High staff is thrilled that you have selected North for the next chapter in your student’s journey!Continue Reading

Spring AP Testing

AP tests are almost here!  Please see below information about the upcoming AP exams so our students and families know what to expect. Exams officially start on May 6th.  One to two days prior to each exam students will receiveContinue Reading

Denver North Cheer Tryouts

We are excited to announce tryout dates for the 2024-2025 NHS Cheer Team! All students attending NHS for the ’24-25 school year and students attending high schools that do not have a cheer program are welcome to tryout. Please see below for detailsContinue Reading


Let’s team up for success! 🌟 We’re calling on all parents, guardians, and students to make SAT participation a top priority. Spread the word among your classmates and friends! Together, we can ensure that every eligible student has the chanceContinue Reading

2023-2024 Denver North Vikings Varsity Athletics Teams

2023 Fall Sports 2023 – 2024 Winter Sports 2024 Spring Sports Note: Girls Golf coming soon

North High in the News

Colorado Public Radio recently spent some time at North speaking with students, as well as counselors Kathy Hoffman and Michele Lopez about how to make college tuition more affordable for Colorado students. The state legislature is looking at that issue,Continue Reading